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Table of contents
How do we know?
Just the facts….
Slide 3
Structures in the Universe are arranged hierarchically
Measuring speed
Doppler Shift of light
Redshift and Doppler Shift
Hierarchy of the Universe
Solar System
Slide 10
Local group of galaxies
Slide 12
Virgo cluster of galaxies
Slide 14
Our local supercluster
Velocities Distances ?
What Hubble saw?
What Hubble really saw
Cepheid variables and Nebulae
Standard Candles
Hubble Expansion
Hubble Law
Galaxy map in Infrared (Jarrett)
Universe is Expanding
Universe is 13.7 billion years old
Slide 26
History of the Universe
Cosmic Microwave Background
Cosmic Background Explorer (1989-1993)
CMB Fluctuations
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (2001-present)
Fluctuations and geometry
The Universe is Flat
Compare to COBE
CMB vs. Inflation
What is inflation?
Slide 38
Slide 39
Most of the stuff in the Universe is in the form of things we cannot see and we don’t understand
Dark Matter
Galaxy Rotation Curves
Hot gas in Galaxy Clusters
Dark Matter Halo
Hubble Expansion revisited
Measuring the Hubble Expansion
Distances to Supernovae
Supernovae as Standard Candles
Supernovae and Cosmology
Today’s Cosmology
Web Resources
Slide 52
Golden Age of Cosmology
Standard Big Bang Cosmology
Big Bang Timeline
Slide 56
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
Why believe in inflation?
Horizon Problem
No inflation
With inflation
Flatness Problem
Slide 63
Old view: Density of the Universe determines its destiny
WMAP angular power spectrum
Cosmological Parameters revisited
Einstein and the Cosmological Constant
Einstein and Dark Energy
New view: Density of the Universe